Category: Betsy Baker
Unpublished, and not edited; written February/March 1978 by Wade Saunders — Kim MacConnel had two kinds of work in his recent exhibition. He showed five constructions made with…
Unpublished, and not edited; written March/April 1978 by Wade Saunders — Ed McGowin is a fabulist. He tells stories, maybe lies. Country Western Narrative is his eighth large-scale…
Unpublished, and not edited; written March/April 1978 by Wade Saunders — Marilynn Gelfman-Pereira’s sculptures are shown in individual Plexiglas boxes. They are thus marked as fragile, having to…
Unpublished, and not edited; written March/April 1978 by Wade Saunders — Marilynn Gelfman-Pereira’s sculptures derive from the binary oppositions inhering in the relation between metal and wood: chemically…